Engineered Septic Systems

Septic System Design
Delta Engineering Inc. has over 30 years in designing a wide range of septic system types and sizes for both residential and commercial applications.

A typical design process begins with a site/soils investigation (profile) with the Engineer, Government Agency and a backhoe to evaluate soil parameters, and determine the septic type.

Most often this evaluation takes place in what is called a soil profile. A soil profile is a cross-sectional view of the structure that is present in a particular soil. Soil horizons, along with texture, structure, color, general site features, landscape position, vegetation and slope of land are all recorded in soil logs during the soil profiling process and are used to determine the overall design.

Upon completion of the soils investigation, the design process continues with a percolation test. A percolation test determines how fast fluid will drain through soil. This is crucial for every system to determine how effective the soil will be at dispersing the treated effluent. A topographic survey of the parcel is done, detailing all relevant site information and constraints. The Engineer uses all of the above information to prepare the septic design.

Plans are then submitted to the proper governmental agency for approval.

construction site
construction site